秋招第一波-Core Business Team: Junior Account Manager
[JOB TITLE] Junior Account Manager
As a Junior Account Manager, you will be attached to the team of Account Managers for the German and Dutch markets.
• Assist daily operations
• Work closely with the salesperson (s) responsible for monitoring daily operational performance
• Propose digital marketing solutions to stakeholders
• Manage and monitor client portfolios on a personal basis, acting as an exclusive contact for
• Respond to calls for tender from clients for whom you are the contact person, and manage the
proposals assigned throughout the campaigns
• Propose and negotiate commercial conditions with our partners
[Expected Background and Skills]:
• Strong communication skills to present the collaboration proposal orally and in writing
• Strong negotiation and analytical skills
• Ability to work independently and collaboratively
• Rigorous, organised, and autonomous
• Fluency in German and English
[Workplace]: Düsseldorf Office or Work from home possible
[Contract type]: Internship / Permanent contract / Freelance
👉🏻 Apply here
一分钱 ECENTIME是一家集海外导购、媒体、本地资讯生活、社区属性为一体 的消费领域信息分享网站。目前,ECENTIME 在欧洲及中国设有 4 家分公司,我们与客户、用户并肩工作,拥有共同的 目标:帮助客户取得非凡业绩,同时启迪用户做出更明智的购买决策。凭借度身定制的整合性 专业能力,我们为客户及用户提供更好、更快更持久的业绩结果与消费体验。在欧洲范围内, 我们在业内享有良好的客户拥护度。
一分钱 ECENTIME 始终与时俱进,基于消费者与客户在使用场景中所留存的证据善加分析以 获得绝佳的灵感与洞察。我们拥有覆盖欧洲六个市场的规模优势,也有深耕本土的扎实理解。 我们依托专业的团队、数据资源与创新技术,以人为本,充分挖掘市场潜能。
ECENTIME 于 2017 年在法国巴黎设立首家公司。目前以与全球范围内 4000 多个品牌展开合作,在消费品行业拥有夯实的市场及营销运营基础。ECENTIME 在欧洲范围内团队已经超过 70 人,兼具丰富的国内及国际工作经验。
- Marketing Event Planning and Execution Specialist, H/F Paris;
- New Media Operation and Marketing Specialist, H/F Paris;
- Marketing Manager;
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在线投递简历及探索更多机会,亦可访问我们的招聘专页:https://ecentime.welcomekit.co/ , 点击此处,一键投递。